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256-Slice Dual-Source Computed Tomography (CT)


Computed Tomography‭ (‬CT‭) ‬makes use of X-Ray tubes‭ (‬the source‭) ‬and corresponding detectors oriented in the gantry‭, ‬finally forms‭ ‬images by sophisticated computerization‭. ‬CT can provide high-resolution images which are helpful in indicating the tumour size‭ ‬and location‭.‬


Examination Process


The examination time takes 15 - 30 minutes, depending on body region. Before examination, the radiographer will explain the procedure and ask for patient's medical history. He/she will also instruct the patient how to hold their breath for the examination. If contrast agents are needed, the patient may feel a warm sensation throughout their body during injection. During examination, the patient needs to lay on the table and move into the bore. 


Preparations for Examination


  • Please make an appointment. Please bring the latest relevant old films and reports (e.g. X-rays, MRI, CT Scans, etc.) at the time of examination for comparison.
  • Please notify our staff if you are pregnant or suspected that you are pregnant when you make an appointment.
  • Please take off all accessories including earrings, watches and necklaces before the examination.



Preparations for Plain CT Scan


  • For all CT Scan(Plain), normal diet is recommended.



Preparations for Contrast CT Scan


  • Fasting for 4 hours prior to the examination, except drinking water.
  • For patients with diabetes:
    Please notify our staff with three days in advance and please bring in your medicines on the exam day. If there is a fasting requirement prior to the CT scan, please stop taking the medicines.
  • For patient who is 60 years old or above, with renal disease or had kidney operation, or currently receiving Metformin, a rapid test of serum creatinine is recommended prior to examination. Exempted patients include those who have renal function report with normal rental function within 30 days before the scheduled examination. The rapid test charges HK$200.
  • For the patient with Asthma or Any Allergies:
    Please notify our staff 3 days before scheduled appointment for examination. Oral Steroid (40mg Prednisolone at 12 hours before and 40mg Prednisolone at 2 hours before examination) should be prescribed by referring doctor on the day prior to the examination. If you do not have oral steroid, Hydrocortisone will be injected on the day of examination. Charge is HK$300



Preparations for CT Colonography


  • Patients need to drink the sachets of laxatives as instructed by doctor prior to the CT colonoscopy. Poor bowel preparation may invalidate colonoscopy. If you have not received the laxatives from your referring doctor, you should consult our specialist prior to the exam.



Additional Preparation for CT Coronary Angiogram


  • Please avoid the following items within 24 hours before the examination: cigarettes, pain killer which contains Caffeine, Viagra or Levitra.
  • Special note:
    The entire cardiac scan requires the patient having a good and steady heart rate. To optimize the image quality, the patient's heart rate will be monitored before examination. If our medical staff recognise patient’s current condition is not suitable for examination, the doctor will make an assessment of his/her condition before deciding to prescribe an oral medicine (for controlling the heart rate). There is an extra charge for prescribed medicines. It takes at least 30–60 minutes to take effect. Please reserve 1-2 hours for the examination. 
  • Patients with hypertension or who are taking blood pressure medicines can take the medicines as usual.


256-Slice Dual-Source Computed Tomography (CT)


Brain, Head and Neck Plain   Plain + Contrast 
Brain $1,700 $3,100
IAM $2,600 $4,100
Temporal Bone $2,900 $4,700
Mastoids $2,900 $4,700
Brain + IAM $3,400 $5,600
Pituitary Gland $2,400 $3,700
Brain + Pituitary Gland $3,300 $5,200
Orbits $2,200 $4,000
Brain + Orbits $3,200 $5,000
Paranasal Sinuses (PNS) $2,000 $3,200
Brain + Paranasal Sinuses (PNS) $3,200 $5,000
Nasopharynx (NP) $2,000 $3,500
Brain + Nasopharynx (NP) $3,200 $5,000

Salivary Glands (Parotid + Submandibular)   

$2,100 $3,600
Oral Cavity $2,100 $3,600
Larynx $2,100 $3,600
Neck $2,500 $3,500
Mandible  $2,100 $3,600 
Facial Bones $2,100 N/A
Tamporomandibular Joint $2,100 $3,600


Thorax  Plain  Plain + Contrast 


$2,500 $4,000

Low Dose Thorax

$1,600 N/A

Throax with HRCT

$3,300 $5,000

CT Virtual Bronchoscopy             

$5,400 N/A


Abdomen  Plain  Plain + Contrast 

Upper Abdomen (Liver + GallBladder + Adrenal 

Gland + Spleen + Pancreas + Kidneys)

$2,800 $4,300

Lower Abdomen

$2,600 $4,200
Pelvis $2,600 $4,200
Whole Abdomen (Upper Abdomen + Pelvis) $4,400 $6,600

CT Colonography

$7,500 $8,600

CT Urogram

$2,500 $4,600
Throax + Whole Abdomen $6,300 $8,800

Hypertension Package

(Adrenal Gland + Kidneys + Renel Angiogram)

N/A $6,200


Musculoskeletal Plain   Plain + Contrast 
Cervical Spine $4,500 $6,000

Thoracic Spine

$4,500 $6,000
Lumbar Spine $4,500 $6,000
Sacrum $2,300 $4,000

SI Joints

$2,300 $4,000

Single Hip

$2,500 $4,000
Joints (Each Region) $2,500 $3,400
CT Soft Tissue (Each Region)            $1,800 $3,400
Leg Length Measurement $2,000 N/A


Vascular Studies Plain   Plain + Contrast 
Brain Intracranial (Circle of Willis) Angiogram N/A $6,500

Carotid Angiogram / Vertebral Angiogram

N/A $6,500
CT Brain and Neck Angiogram N/A $11,500
Coronary Angiogram N/A $6,400

Coronary Angiogram + Calcium Score

N/A $6,500

Coronary Calcium Score

$2,000 N/A
Pulmonary Angiogram N/A $6,500
Thoracic Aortogram N/A $6,800
Abdominal Aortogram N/A $6,500
Renal Angiogram N/A $6,200
Lower Limb Angiogram N/A $8,500

Double Rule Out

(Thoracic Aortogram + Abdominal Aortogram)  

N/A $12,000

Triple Rule Out (Coronary Angiogram +

Thoracic Aortogram + Pulmonary Angiogram)

N/A $12,000
Coronary Angiogram + MRI Stroke Package N/A $14,500
CT CABG N/A $7,000


Others    Price   

Solu-Cortef Hydrocortiscone

(IV Injection) 200mg


Creatinine (Kidney Function) Test                
