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| info@specialists.hk | 3405 8288 |

Special Tests

Our center provides a wide range of health check services‭, ‬including Bone Densitometry‭ (‬DEXA‭), ‬Treadmill Exercise ECG Stress Testing and Lung Function Test etc‭.‬


Preparations for Examination



  • Please make an appointment. Please bring the latest relevant old films and reports (e.g. X-rays, MRI, CT Scans, etc.) at the time of examination for comparison.
  • Please notify our staff if you are pregnant or suspected that you are pregnant when you make an appointment.
  • Please take off all accessories including earrings, watches and necklaces before the examination.




Bone Densitometry (DEXA)



  • Please avoid any X-rays with contrast materials tests 7 days prior to the examination.
  • Normal diet is recommended.
  • Please notify our staff if patients who have Barium Meal imaging within one week when you make an appointment.
  • Please notify our staff if patients who have received hip joint surgery when you make an appointment.





Treadmill Exercise ECG Stress Testing



Preparations for Examination



  • Please wear trainers and sportswear for examination.
  • Fasting for 2 hours prior to the examination. Please take a light meal before fasting.


Special Tests


Spine     Price    
Bone Densitometry (DEXA) - Spine + Hips                               $700


Thorax     Price    
Lung Function Test                                                                 $650


Cardiac    Price    
Resting ECG
(Report issued by cardiologist)

Treadmill Exercise ECG Stress Testing
(Performed and report issued by cardiologist)

24 Hours Holter ECG Monitoring
(Report issued by cardiologist)
(Performed and report issued by cardiologist)

Exercise Echocardiogram
(Performed and report issued by cardiologist)


24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring                        
(Report issued by cardiologist)



Helicobacter pylori    Price     
H‭. ‬pylori Diabact UBT‭ (‬Urea Breath Test‭)‬                                  $850


Urine    Price   
Uroflowmetry                                                                         $800


Fibroscan    Price    
Fibroscan                                                                               $1,200