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256-Slice Dual-Source Computed Tomography (CT)


Computed Tomography (CT) makes use of X-Ray tubes (the source) and corresponding detectors oriented in the gantry, finally forms images by sophisticated computerization. CT can provide high-resolution images which are helpful in indicating the tumour size and location.




Our centre has introduced Siemens SOMATOM Definition Flash 256-slice Dual-Source CT Scanner, which is one of the most advanced CT scanners in the market. Compared with previous models, it takes less time, provides a more precise image and uses a low dose of radiation.




Redefining Cardiac Scan
  When performing a cardiac scan, this 256-slice CT scanner's scan time is only 0.6s and the full temporal resolution is 75ms, much faster than the 64-slice scanner. This scanner allows scanning the entire heart and evaluating its morphology and coronaries without any beta blockers. Patients suffering from irregular heart rates or atrial fibrillations can benefit from it, as the risk of drug allergy and examination time are both minimised.
Reduced Intravenous Contrast Requirement
  With rapid volumetric coverage, the duration of vascular contrast opacification required for image acquisition is significantly reduced. This could benefit patients with renal impairment and decrease the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy.
Much Less Time for Scanning
  Some examinations require an adequate breath-hold. In older scanners, many patients, especially children and  the elderly, struggle to maintain the breath-hold, resulting in uninterpretable images and a possible need to repeat. This scanner only takes 0.6s for the entire chest scanning at its full speed. Breath holding can therefore become optional.
Less Radiation Dose
  Patients with heart diseases will be exposed to 60 percent less radiation in the 256-slice CT scanner than other previous models. Some studies reveal that it can even reduce radiation exposure by 90 percent.