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| info@specialists.hk | 3405 8288 |
Day Procedure Centre Licence: DP000305

Ultrasound Scan


Ultrasound‭, ‬which is a sound wave of frequency more than 20‭ ‬kHz‭, ‬is beyond the hearing range of human‭. ‬It can go underneath the‭ ‬skin and reflect images of muscles‭, ‬organs and tissues‭. ‬Being painless‭, ‬harmless‭, ‬no radiation and no contrast are used‭.‬


Examination Process

The examination time takes 15 - 30 minutes to complete and may take longer for difficult examination, depending on body region. During the examination, the radiographer will apply ultrasound gel to the body part needed for imaging, and slide the transducer on it. Patients may need to hold their breath for several seconds or turn around for convenient scanning.


Preparations for Examination

  • Please make an appointment. Please bring the latest relevant old films and reports (e.g. X-Rays, MRI, CT Scans, etc.) at the time of examination for comparison.
  • Patients may need to wait before they are called into the procedure room. Reserving time slots for the ultrasound scans are recommended.
  • Please notify our staff if you are pregnant or suspected that you are pregnant when you make an appointment.
  • Please take off all accessories including earrings, watches and necklaces before the examination.


Preparations for Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen

  • Fasting for 6 hours prior to examination, except drinking water.


Preparations for Ultrasound of Pelvis (TA) / Prostate (TA) / Bladder

  • Please drink a lot of water to have a full bladder 30 minutes prior to the examination.


Preparations for Ultrasound of Whole Abdomen
  • Fasting for 6 hours prior to examination, except water. (Not applicable for patients with cholecystectomy
  • If a regular medication is needed, please take water as usual. (Not applicable for patients who are going to have endoscopy assessment on the same day)
  • Please drink a lot of water to have a full bladder 30 minutes prior to the examination.


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