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Price Lists of Day-case Endoscopy

Charges for completing insurance claim form(s), medical certificate(s) or referral letter(s) (Applicable to surgical & endoscopy procedures etc) Original copy Issuance of original copy after discharge Copy
For the first two insurance claim form(s) Free / $50 /each
For the third or above insurance claim form(s) $600 /each $600 /each $50 /each
For the first referral letter / certifying letter $250 /each $250 /each $50 /each
For the second or above referral letter / certifying letter(s) $250 /each $250 /each $50 /each
Fee for the issuance of medical certificate / a duplicate document  Original copy Issuance of original copy after discharge Copy
Attendance Certificate / Sick Leave Certificate Free $100 /each $50 /each
Invoice / Receipt / / $50 /each
Medical Report / Medical Letter  $600 /each / $50 /each
Work Injury Report $1,500 /each / $50 /each


Charges for medical report(s) / image(s) Original copy Issuance of original copy after discharge Copy
Examination / Pathology's Report $100 /each $100 /each $50 /each
Video Copy $100 /each / /


Medical images / videos are valid for 3 months. Medical reports are valid for 3 years.


Colonoscopy Package

Total number of polyp and/or biopsy

Package Price







10‭ ‬or above


Types of Anaesthesia

Monitored Anaesthesia Care (M.A.C.)

+ $2,200


The Package Price above covers Surgeon's Fee, Instrument Fee, Pathology Free, CO2 Fee, Operation Theatre Fee, an Endoscopy Report, Post-operative Medication Fee, Post-operative Report Interpretation and other miscellaneous charges during the procedure.


Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy must be using Monitored Anaesthetic Care (M.A.C.).


Gastroscopy Package

(CLO test for Helicobacter pylori included)

Number of biopsy

Package Price

Without biopsy


With biopsy


Types of Anaesthesia

Monitored Anaesthesia Care (M.A.C.)

+ $2,000

Additional items

Helicobacter pylori Antibiotic Resistance Test


We could provide Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance test, which is getting a sample of gastric tissues during gastroscopy for culture & sensitivity test. Please notify our staff if you suspect or confirm you are antibiotic-resistant when you make an appointment. It is because for any request of this test after the gastroscopy, you have to experience another gastroscopy to serve for this test.

+ $850


The Package Price above covers CLO test for Helicobacter pylori, Surgeon's Fee, Instrument Fee, Local Anaesthesia Fee, Pathology Fee, CO2 Fee, Operation Theatre Fee, an Endoscopy Report, Post-operative Medication Fee, Post-operative Report Interpretation and other miscellaneous charges during the procedure.


Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy must be using Monitored Anaesthetic Care (M.A.C.).



Number of polyp and biopsy

Package Price

Without polyp and biopsy


With polyp and biopsy


Types of Anaesthesia

Monitored Anaesthesia Care (M.A.C.)

+ $2,000


The Package Price above covers Surgeon's Fee, Instrument Fee, Pathology Fee, CO2 Fee, Operation Theatre Fee, an Endoscopy Report with a DVD attached, Post-operative Medication Fee, Post-operative Report Interpretation and other miscellaneous charges during the procedure.


Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy must be using Monitored Anaesthetic Care (M.A.C.).


Sigmoidoscopy + Marking

The above fee covers:


Surgeon's Fee

Operation Theatre Fee

Instrument Fee

Miscellaneous Fee





Package Price


Types of Anaesthesia

Monitored Anaesthesia Care (MAC)

+ $2,200


The Package Price above covers Surgeon's Fee, Instrument Fee, Pathology Fee, CO2 Fee, Operation Theatre Fee, Surgical Material Fee, Post-operative Report Interpretation and other miscellaneous charges during the procedure.


Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy must be using Monitored Anaesthetic Care (M.A.C.).


The price listed are for reference only. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.


Day Cystoscopy Package

Types of Anaesthesia 

Local Anaesthesia 


Monitored Anaesthesia Care (M.A.C.)

Without Polyp and Biopsy Package Price $11,450 $13,950

The above fee covers:              

Surgeon's Fee

Operation Theatre Fee

Anaesthesia Fee

Instrument Fee

Miscellaneous Fee













With Polyp and Biopsy Package Price



The above fee covers:           

Surgeon's Fee

Operation Theatre Fee

Anaesthesia Fee

Instrument Fee

Miscellaneous Fee

Laboratory Fee
















The Package Price above covers Surgeon's Fee, Instrument Fee, Operation Theatre Fee, Report, Medication Fee and other miscellaneous charges during the procedure.


The price listed are for reference only. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.