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Functional dyspepsia


Stomach pains are common. Numbers of people tried various diagnostic tests to find out the reason, but unfortunately failed. They also tried medicines to get rid of stomach aches. However, sometimes, these pain relievers do not help. How to explain this? Among Hong Kong citizens, about 1 out of 10 has "functional gastrointestinal disease". It refers to various abdominal discomforts like nausea, bloating, feeling of fullness, stomach ache, loss of appetite, heartburn, and acidic plash.




Causes and factors


Studies have shown that both cells in the brain and intestinal cells arise from the same cell population and have the same type of neurotransmitters. Exposure to stress or depression are linked to the disease. When an individual gets stressed or experiences a low mood, he/she might have functional dyspepsia. Some factors below can be taken into consideration.


Chewing problems:

Inadequate chewing can lead to dyspepsia.


Sedentary lifestyle:

Lack of physical activity can reduce gut motility.



Ingestion of excessive air into the stomach due to hyper- ventilation, causing bloating.


Unhealthy lifestyle:

Over-eating, irregular mealtime, smoking and alcohol.


Aged-related factors: 

Reduced production of digestive juice like saliva, gastric juice, bile and enzymes can reduce the effectiveness of digestion.


H. pylori infection:

H. pylori can inflame the stomach lining and make the patient feel stomach pain or get nauseous.






Prior to treatment, it is important to find out the exact cause of the stomach pain first. It should be noted that abdominal discomfort may not necessarily indicate any stomach problems. Well, there are many organs nearby which may cause abdominal discomfort. For example, duodenal ulcer, gastric acid reflux, gallstones, tumours in the liver or pancreas are often easily confused with gastric diseases. Therefore, if stomach pain persists, patients should seek medical treatment at the earliest to find out the exact cause and receive the appropriate treatment.






If functional dyspepsia is diagnosed, the primary thing to do is to relieve the symptoms. The initial treatment includes the medications to reduce gastric acid and help digestion, but generally only about 20% of patients feel the effectiveness. Recent studies show that antidepressant medications can help diminish pain sensitivity and improve the symptom management. Side effects include dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, and excessive sleepiness. Patients must be evaluated by a doctor and administered under supervision before receiving antidepressant treatment.






Making dietary and lifestyle adjustments may help prevent the disease occurring. Medical studies indicate the presence of H. pylori in food samples. Asian people are more likely to get infected than the westerners since they often share the meal as a common “family style.”

To prevent or lower the risk of gastritis, doctor may suggest having a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoiding drinking alcohol, reducing consumption of processed meat or foods preserved by salt, and having regular physical activities.




*The above information is for reference only, please consult your doctor for detail.